Wong Partners
The primary purpose of the ELA China specialty group is to increase ELA member exposure to Chinese companies who are investing/acquiring operations in ELA jurisdictions, to facilitate ELA client attempts to enter the China market, to capitalize on our collective capabilities and to collaborate where we can bring about business with China for all those interested in this market.
The scope of this group is not limited to employment topics and we will have representative leaders from each of our regions to help guide our discussions. Any firm members that do business with China or who are interested in working with China are welcome to join the group. Membership in this group is complimentary for all lawyers and marketers at ELA member firms and there is no limit on the number of people from your firm that can participate.
We invite and encourage any ELA member practicing in this area or interested in the China market to join this group!
Asia - Pacific
Bangladesh - Sameer Sattar, Sattar&Co.
China - Jeffrey Wilson, JuneHe
China - Chen (Francis) Yang, JunHe LLP WeChat ID# public and personal:chenyang836
China - Frank Zhou, Jun He WeChat ID# public and personal: 13916609450
Hong Kong - Elsie Chan, Deacons
Indonesia - David Eyerly, SSEK Law Firm
Japan - Rikisuke Yamanaka, Ushijima & Partners
Macau - Helena Kok, MdME WeChat ID#: MdME Lawyers, WeChat ID# personal: 85363347718
Malaysia - Yee Mei Ken, Shearn Delamore & Co.
Malaysia - Nicholas Tan, Shearn Delamore & Co.
Singapore - Chong Hong Chiang, WongPartnership WeChat ID# public: agh_2ffca8bf0e32 WeChat ID# personal: CHC97426592
South Korea - Choi Won-tak, Kim & Chang
Taiwan - Elva Chuang, Lee, Tsai & Partners WeChatID# personal: Elvachuang0320
Taiwan - Chung-The Lee, Lee, Tsai & Partners
Taiwan - Elizabeth Pai, Lee, Tsai & Partners
Thailand - Pramote Srisamai, Price Sanond
North America
Ontario - Erin Kuzz, Sherrard Kuzz LLP
California - Steve Hirschfeld, Hirschfeld Kraemer
Georgia - Mike Burke, Arnall Golden Gregory
Georgia - Teri Simmons, Arnall Golden Gregory
Michigan - Yanping Wang, Miller Canfield
New York (Upstate) - Louis DiLorenzo, Bond, Schoeneck & King
North Carolina - Michael Chen, Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
Rhode Island - Michael Gamboli, Partridge Snow & Hahn LLP
South Carolina - Dayton Riddle, Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
Tennessee - Ivan Lu, Butler Snow
Tennessee - Tim Ng, Butler Snow
Tennessee - Kurt Rademacher, Butler Snow
Tennessee - Sherry Vance (marketing), Butler Snow
Cyprus - Andrea Kallis Parparinou, Elias Neocleous & Co LLC
Denmark - Frederik Joergensen, Plesner
Germany Lelu Li, ADVANT Beiten WeChat public ID#: advantlaw, WeChat personal ID#: LeluLi_Law
Germany - Insa Cornelia Mueller-Trucksaess, ADVANT Beiten WeChat ID# public: advantlaw
Germany - Susanne Rademacher, ADVANT Beiten WeChat public ID#: advantlaw
Luxembourg - Philippe Schmit, Arendt & Medernach
WeChat ID# public: 卢森堡Arendt集团
Italy - Guido Bartalini, ADVANT Nctm
Italy - Hermes Pazzaglini, ADVANT Nctm WeChat ID# public: 欧洲昂帆律师事务所联盟, WeChat ID# personal: Hermes_Pazzaglini
Netherlands - Yvette Dissel, Boontje Advocaten & Mediators
Spain - Ignacio Del Fraile, Gomez Acebo & Pombo
Switzerland - Florian Müller, MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep Ltd
ELA Firms with China Office
Africa Middle East
Angola, Gabon & Mozambique - Miranda & Associados Law Firm
Asia Pacific
China - JunHe
Hong Kong - Deacons
Singapore - WongPartnership
Taiwan - Lee, Tsai & Partners
Germany - ADVANT Beiten
Italy - ADVANT Nctm
Luxembourg - Arendt & Medernach
Latin America
Chile - Carey
North America - US
Michigan - Miller Canfield
ELA Firms with China Desk
Asia Pacific
China - JunHe
Hong Kong - Deacons
Macau - MdME
Malaysia - Shearn Delamore
Singapore - WongPartnership
South Korea - Kim & Chang
Taiwan - Lee, Tsai & Partners
Thailand - Price Sanond
Germany - ADVANT Beiten
Italy - ADVANT Nctm
Luxembourg - Arendt & Medernach
Norway - Selmer
Spain - Gomez Acebo & Pombo
Latin America
Argentina - Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal
Brazil - Demarest Advogados
Chile - Carey
Colombia - Posse Herrera Ruiz
Peru - Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano Abogados
North America
Michigan - Miller Canfield
South Carolina - Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
Tennessee - Butler Snow
Chinese Language Marketing Capabilities
Africa Middle East
Angola, Gabon & Mozambique - Miranda & Associados Law Firm
Asia Pacific
China - JunHe
Hong Kong - Deacons
Indonesia - SSEK Law Firm
Japan - Ushijima & Partners
Macau - MdME
Malaysia - Shearn Delamore & Co.
Singapore - WongPartnership
South Korea - Kim & Chang
Taiwan - Lee, Tsai & Partners
Cyprus - Elias Neocleous & Co LLC
Germany - ADVANT Beiten
Italy - ADVANT Nctm
Luxembourg - Arendt & Medernach
Latin America
Argentina - Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal
Brazil - Demarest Advogados
Chile - Carey
Peru - Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano Abogados
North America
Georgia - Arnall Golden Gregory
Michigan - Miller Canfield
Oklahoma - Crowe & Dunlevy
South Carolina - Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
Tennessee - Butler Snow LLP
Brief Survey