ELA Global Tax Group

Refer to this page for group activity and resources.

Description:  The Tax Advisory specialty group meetings are designed in a very participative way, in which every participant has the opportunity to talk and sharing hot-topics of tax law (for example: indirect taxation of assets, criminal consequences of tax practices, etc.) and the rule/experience of its jurisdiction. 

See Mission & Goals below. 


Marval O'Farrell Mairal


Vice Chair




The Tax Advisory specialty group meetings are designed in a very participative way, in which every participant has the opportunity to talk and sharing hot-topics of tax law (for example: indirect taxation of assets, criminal consequences of tax practices, etc.) and the rule/experience of its jurisdiction. 

  • The group generally meets three times annually on the ELA's Zoom platform.  Group members also engage in discussions, share articles, and offer opinions using the group e-mail. 
  • The Co-chairs discuss and define topics that are able to trigger this “comparison” between jurisdictions - which helps people to contribute during the meetings. 
  • The group takes advantage of ELA networking opportunities at regional in-person events/conferences such as IBA and IFA conferences.

We invite and encourage any ELA member practicing in this area or interested in Tax Advisory to join this group!

Meet our Global TaxMembers

Together we can make the difference

(Scroll left or right to see members from all regions)

Latin America Members

Argentina - Enrique Stile, Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal. 

Argentina - Walter Keiniger, Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal. 

Bolivia - Moises Blanco, Moreno Baldivieso 

Bolivia - Rodrigo Burgos, Moreno Baldivieso 

Bolivia - Teddy Mercado Carrion, Moreno Baldivieso. 

Bolivia - Andrés Moreno Gutierrez, Moreno Baldivieso. 

Brazil - Carlos Eduardo Marino Orsolon, Demarest Advogados. 

Brazil - Cassia Fernanda Pizzotti, Demarest Advogados. 

Brazil - Renato Canizares, Demarest Advogados. 

Chile - Jaime Carey, Carey. 

Chile - Jessica Power, Carey. 

Chile - Manuel Alcalde, Carey. 

Chile - Manuel Jose Garces, Carey. 

Chile - Oscar Aitken, Carey. 

Colombia - Juan Guillermo Ruiz, Posse Herrera Ruiz. 

Colombia - Juan Guillermo Ruiz, Posse Herrera Ruiz 

Costa Rica - Monica Malcotti, BLP- Costa Rica. 

Costa Rica - Randall Gonzalez, BLP- Costa Rica. 

Costa Rica - Vittoria Di Gioacchino, BLP- Costa Rica. 

Ecuador - Carmen Simone-Lasso, Pérez Bustamante & Ponce 

Ecuador - Juan Gabriel Reyes-Varea, Pérez Bustamante & Ponce. 

Ecuador - Javier Salvador Soto, Pérez Bustamante & Ponce. 

El Salvador - Delmer Rodriguez, BLP- El Salvador. 

Guatemala - Jorge Arenales, BLP- Guatemala 

Guatemala - Anneliss Wohlers, BLP- Guatemala 

Honduras - Lilian Lopez, BLP- Honduras. 

Mexico - Alejandro Luna, Santamarina y Steta. 

Mexico - Juan Carlos De La Vega, Santamarina y Steta. 

Mexico - Karina Robledo, Santamarina y Steta. 

México - Mariano Calderon, Santamarina y Steta. 

México - Paulina Farías, Santamarina + Steta. 

Nicaragua - Ernesto Rizo, BLP- Nicaragua. 

Nicaragua - Michelle Aviles, BLP- Nicaragua. 

Panama - Amanda Barraza de Wong, Morgan & Morgan. 

Panama - Jose Rafael Reyes, Morgan & Morgan 

Paraguay - Horacio Sánchez Pangrazio, Vouga Abogados 

Paraguay - Andres Vera, Vouga Abogados

Paraguay - Rodolfo Vouga, Vouga Abogados. 

Peru - Alex Cordova, Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano Abogados. 

Peru - Jose Balta, Rodrigo, Elias & Medrano Abogados.  

Uruguay - Alejandro Horjales, Hughes & Hughes. 

Uruguay - Enrique Radmilovich, Hughes & Hughes. 

Uruguay - Miguel Rocca, Hughes & Hughes. 

Venezuela - John Tucker, Lega Abogados. 

Venezuela - Nathalie Rodriguez, Lega Abogados. 

Learn More

Together we can make the difference



This page will be used for additional resources or reference materials to be distributed (when needed).

14 October 2021 Meeting Recording

1 July 2021 Meeting Recording

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